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What is Freestreams live?
A website designed to produce and collect best streaming links on the internet for all the upcoming sports events. Unlike other streaming sites where you will only find 1 stream per event, on freestreams-live you will get the best possible links for matches which can be around 60 to 90 links per match ensuring you dont miss any action. Best part ?. Its free!
What sports competitions are covered at freestreams-live ?
On this website you will find all the major competitions in sports like champions league and top 5 league matches from football. Big boxing and MMA fights. Some motorSports action like F1 and MotoGP. Then we have american sports like NFL and NBA etc. Sometime we also cover cricket matches but only in world cups. All four tennis grand slams are covered as well..
How does FreeStreams-Live work ?
The idea is simple, to generate a match thread for every match and in that match thread you will find live streaming links for that game. We dont host any streaming material instead streamers themselves host it and they can link their URL on this website. The best streamers are listed top which means users can find the best possible working streams as soon as they arrive at the match thread.